3 types of residential real estate you can buy in Florida. [#4]

Understanding the advantages and disadvantages of each will help you decide which type of residential property is best to invest in.

There are three types of residential properties that are most commonly purchased here in the United States. They are: single family homes, townhouses and condos.
Each of these home models has different structural features, which may generate benefits or may not be compatible with the type of home you are looking to buy in Florida.
In this article you will learn about each of these three structural models of homes and be able to define which one best suits the type of investment you want to make.
Types of residential real estate you can buy in Florida.
1 - Sigle family homes.
Single family homes are detached houses.
It usually has more space on the plot and more privacy, as the nearest neighbours are a few metres away.
It is a single housing unit that can be inside community or not.

In this type of residential property, all the space around the house belongs to the owner, giving the opportunity to have a backyard, pool or green area, creating a better quality of life for everyone in the family.
In addition, it is possible to make expansions and renovations, further enhancing the value of your property.
Owners can also have as many pets as they want without needing permission from community.
An important note is that communities in the United States may or may not be closed.
So, whenever you hear that a house is in a community, if you want, you need to ask if it has a concierge and private security.
The costs of the fee from community are generally lower compared to townhouse and condos, because the costs of maintaining the outside area of the house are up to each owner.
The big disadvantage of buying a single family home is that it is not always possible to find a home in the city centre, close to shopping areas or good schools.
Plus all the extra costs like IPTU, lawn mowing, pool and general maintenance.
Those are the responsibility of the homeowner and you have to account for them when you are buying your home.
2 - Townhouses
You've probably heard of townhouses, but under another name.
Also known as terraced houses, they are easily remembered for being types of residential properties that share walls with neighboring houses.

This image causes discomfort in some investors, because imagining having your privacy invaded by your neighbor is not a good thing at all.
But in the United States, townhouses are designed to be safe, comfortable and, above all, private.
The townhouses have a great acoustic insulation system in all walls and does not generate noise.
The advantages of buying a townhouse are in the lower cost of maintenance, as it is usually the community association that takes care of exterior painting, roof problems, and lawn mowing.
And because they have lower construction costs, they are residential properties, which in the vast majority of the time, have the lowest acquisition cost.
This is an excellent option for those who are buying their first home, are on a limited budget or want to invest in a home for rent.
The disadvantages of a townhouse are that it usually has no pool, no space for possible expansions and little exclusive space, thus having less privacy.
3 - Condos
Condos are nothing more than housing units built in buildings, like apartments.
But do not confuse, here in the United States condos and apartments are different.
Condo you own the property and can live, rent and sell, while apartments are units built by a single owner, usually a company, and that makes available for rent, taking care of the management of all units.

The advantages of buying a condo is that it has lower maintenance and therefore the monthly fixed costs are generally lower.
You have a maintenance team on call offered by the building itself.
It is an excellent option for those who live alone or are newly married, for being more efficient, more practical and being close to large shopping centers.
The security is a highlight, as it has a gate with surveillance and monitoring.
Some condos offer parking, laundry cleaning, fitness center, clubhouse and a variety of amenities.
The disadvantages of you buying a condo is that there is less privacy and you can often have an annoying neighbor upstairs, downstairs, next door or in the building across from your window.
There are buildings that do not allow or restrict the amount and type of pets you can have.
Another very important point!
Building associations often have approval policies for new residents, meaning that when it comes time to sell, your prospective buyer needs to be approved by the building.
What ends up making it difficult at the time of sale.
These are the three most common types of residential real estate sold here in Florida.
Here on the site we have a sequence of articles that will help you in the process of buying your home.
Among the various steps of buying a home we address issues such as the first step of buying a REAL ESTATE IN FLORIDA, how to WRITE a HOUSE IN THE UNITED STATES and if it is possible to buy a FINANCED HOME in the United States.
We invite you to watch the video "FLORIDA HOUSES TYPES - Tour of American homes".
Watch it on YouTube by clicking here: https://youtu.be/RYPQMV05TwI
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